Welcome To Tour Eau Claire
Discover Somewhere Local
TourEauClaire is an interactive community-tour started by Eau Claire based SpinVision™
We had one goal in mind: Help viewers discover what makes the Eau Claire area so great! Chances are, there are places you’d love to discover that you never knew existed; we’d like to help you look around. You will find restaurants, local shops, parks, professional services, venues and places to relax and grab a drink. Discover somewhere new - we’re adding new tours every week!
It all started when introducing a dinner-date to the Amber Inn Neighborhood Pub. Initially intimidated by the unknown, it is now a favorite go-to hangout for our neighborhood friends to gather time and time again. Did we mention they have some of the best burgers and crispy chicken wings in town? It’s like our own little MacLaren's pub from popular TV Show How I Met Your Mother!
If you own a business, what’s one new regular customer worth to your business each year? We hope it’s a lot and want to help you get discovered. There is no cost to have us visit a local business for one complimentary 360° SpinVison™. It’s our way to help as many people as possible and, in the process, meet new people and discover some of the great places woven through our community. How do we make a living? Well, in addition to revolutionizing the real estate industry, we can help local businesses showcase their business tours on their own websites and social networks for as little as $10/mo, including annual updates!
Share with friends, go local and discover some new favorite hangouts. If you have a business or one of your own spots that you’d like to share with others, simply fill out our contact form and we will add it to our list.